Friday, May 06, 2005

She doesn't need to apologize to me. The media need to apologize to her for turning her life into a freak show.

Just an update on the recent posts about the differences between the home pages of CNN International and CNN for Dummies.

Right now the QuickVote question of the day on the International Version is "After the UK election results, how long do you think Tony Blair will stay on as PM?" (55% are saying "full term") and the question on the We Think All Americans Are Too Stupid for Real News Version is "Are you satisfied with the apology from runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks?" For the record, 40,000 internauts have voted so far and 63% of them are far from satisfied with the Runafuckingwaybride©'s apology. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE and why do they feel that some woman from Georgia who had a flash of reality interrupt her premarital haze owes them anything at all, let alone an apology? We should not know her name. We should not know her deer-in-the-headlights stare as well as we know Michael Jackson's nose, but we do, and it's the fault of a media that has abdicated all responsibility about reporting on the thieves and murderers running our country.

("Alan S." a thoughtful reader of an earlier CNN posting has a slightly different explanation in a comment he left at 3:29 this morning: The Communist News Network only spews your liberal bias lies. That's why Liberals love socialism and hate America. So true. So simple and so true, Mr. Simpson. And TBL would like to say how proud and honored he is to have received notice from the former Republican Senator from Wyoming!)


Anonymous said...

I haven't the slightest idea who this person is but I can see she's making blog history. I will have to look her up because the French news is obviously out of touch.

True Blue Liberal said...

Alan, it does seem a little strange that the most damning criticisms you make of liberalism generally are that one prominent war opponent like Robert Byrd was subject to the ILLIBERAL prejudices of his time and place when he was a young man.
{Trent Lott, on the other hand, was not condemned for statements he made 40 or 50 years ago, but for a speech he gave while majority leader which seemed nostalgic for the segregationist presidential campaign of Strom Thurmond. If the Republicans want him in their leadership, that's up to them, not me.}