ACTION ALERT * UNITED FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE | 212-868-5545 | Click to subscribeStatement about a joint rally and joint march for September 24
The two major antiwar coalitions that have initiated and organized for a massive anti-war March on Washington for September 24 have agreed to organize a joint rally followed by a joint march. Both coalitions will organize under their own banners, slogans, and with their own literature for the September 24 demonstration. The joint rally will begin at 11:30 am at the Ellipse in the front of the White House. We urge everyone around the country to unite and come out for the largest possible anti-war demonstration on September 24.
Signed by:
United for Peace and Justice
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
(on behalf of the September 24 National Coalition)

Even if you can't make it yourself, you can help them spread the word on your blogs and webpages and emails. There are banners here. Please consider adding one to your sidebar for the next month.
Thanks for posting this- and yes, good news for sure....
I can't figure out how to put the banner from their site on my blog..could you lend me a bit of geek expertise ? my blog is
Keep up the good work....thanks.....
I certainly don't claim to have the skills of a geek, but here is the code that I added to my sidebar template:
[a href="" title="UnitedforPeace"][img src="" width="150" height="162" alt="fallmobe_banner2" /][/a]
BUT you must change the square brackets [ ] in this example to angle brackets < > for the code to work.
Good luck and thanks for spreading the word!
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