Maybe it has to do with the fact that I boarded that bullet train myself a few years ago, but I think it has more to do with the fact that"Keith was now well launched on the bullet train of the fifties where the minutes often dragged but the years tumbled over one another and disappeared. And the mirror was trying to tell him something."--Martin Amis, The Pregnant Widow
(as quoted in The Guardian)

The mystery is when I am going to get a chance to read this book. The Guardian article this morning says "next month", but has no price listed for the book yet and has two listings, one with a pub date of September 2008 and one with a pub date of February 4, 2010. The site lists a pub date of May 11 and doesn't even have a cover image posted (I'm sure that it won't be the UK image you see to the left). I guess I'll be adding to my personal carbon footprint by having this book shipped across the Atlantic Ocean in February.
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