Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Bernie Sanders Speech You Didn't See On Your Television

Yesterday afternoon, Senator Bernie Sanders kicked off his campaign for the 2016 Democratic Presidential nomination with the following speech in Burlington, Vermont. When I got home from work I watched all of ABC World News Tonight and the PBS Newshour and it was not even mentioned on either show. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by ABC finding more worth in stories about Jeopardy and how to save money on your cell phone bill, but I expect more from PBS.

Here's Bernie's whole policy-heavy speech with Lake Champlain in the background:

I recently downgraded my cable, so I no longer get MSNBC where I assume this speech did get at least a nod. However, it won't help if MSNBC is the only channel covering Bernie's campaign. He is a much more serious candidate than at least 8 or 9 GOP candidates who are given more mainstream air time. His support will come from the bottom up, and not from corporate and billionaire supporters. One thing we know for sure: attendance in Burlington was not mandatory yesterday (unlike Ted Cruz's very-well-publicized kickoff at Jerry Falwell University).

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