The New York Times -
13 June 2005:
"And the new crop is in - the 08's are already in the can, so to speak. They are the new blues that are verging into purple; after years of silver and gray and other noncommittal tones, blues are coming back strong, said Christopher Webb, color trend manager for General Motors."
It's what I've been saying all along,
From an insider in the automotive industry: Half the colors stay the same, they just rename them every year. This year's 'stone' is last year's 'chocolate'.
My last two cars (the only cars I've owned since 1985) have been black, so I'm not a big follower of such things.
I used to paint houses when I was in college though. We always got a big laugh out of the number of names for blue, and the number of times the names changed.
Is there a color called "cheap", cause that's what my next car will be. Is there color that gets better mileage, cause that's the other thing about my next car.
30 MPH isn't good enough anymore.
But I get your point, TBL. Blue. Blue states. I think we're stuck with that division for a long time to come, now.
Is there a color called "cheap". . .
Hey, my car is already white.
It is also a POS. I had to get a new one quick, so I didn't research as heavily as I normally would.
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